Flying with Claudio

Flying with my friend and instructor Claudio Pelos.

After a little training flight in the morning, I was ready for a solo flight in the afternoon, when Claudio asked me if I would go flying with him.

We fitted out the glider DG 500 I-IVSB with all our equipment and we were ready for the flight!

When we were on “Poggio Bustone” at 2.400m H (above sea level), he asked me: “Would you go on Gran Sasso?”.

What beautiful news! I had never been there!

It was a wonderful flight.

4h and 52 minutes on flying and 408 km run.

Flight published on “OLC Web site”:

Flight-2015_08_31-M+C-Img02Flying from Gran Sasso mountain towards Gorzano mountain – Italy

Flight published on YouTube at:

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